Contact the team - we’re here to answer your questions!
Get in touch with your GSSfS team by emailing
Professor Lynne Bianchi
GSSfS Campaign Director
Jo Montgomery
GSSfS Campaign Champion
Grace Marson
GSSfS Campaign Manager
David Xu
GSSfS Administrator
Frances Hunt
GSSfS Campaign Officer
Farah Frikha
GSSfS Intern
Kate Goodier
GSSfS Business Officer
The Great Science Share for Schools is created and developed by the Science & Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub. Based in the Faculty of Science & Engineering at The University of Manchester, the campaign supports the strategic goal of Social Responsibility. SEERIH leads on in-service teacher professional development in science and engineering education, specialising in primary and lower secondary sectors. They extend their research into supporting the improvement of Higher Education teaching and learning.