The 2025 theme inspiring us to explore the connections between questions, subjects, countries, organisations and more…
Explore all the different ways we’ve connected Great Science Share for Schools 2025 up this year - how many other ways have you found?
Collaborate with other pupils to share ideas and evidence from investigations.
Open the doors and go outdoors to observe and ask questions about the plants, animals, buildings, biodiversity and nature.
Navigate your way through the curriculum, making cross-curricular links. Science connects to learning across the curriculum. How can other subjects inspire questions?
News and media can support pupils to ask questions out about what’s happening locally, nationally or globally.
Elaborate on investigations your pupils have done before. Can you gather more evidence and explore linked questions?
Community and culture offer opportunities to connect with people near you, e.g. museums, recycling centres, zoos, libraries…
Teamwork and personal skills are developed when we investigate together. Who will you work scientifically with this year?