Three guided enquires supporting teachers to inspire young people to ask, investigate and share scientific questions about materials.
The Great Fashion Share results from partnership with material scientists.
Each enquiry provides teachers notes, a video and links to GSSfS resources guiding pupils to explore the properties of materials, what happens when they break down and the sustainability of their production. Links are made to bespoke resources from Fashion Fixers, inspiring pupils’ question asking on the topic of the sustainable use of fabrics.
Age: 5-7, 7-11, 11-14 years
Curriculum topics: everyday materials, working scientifically
5-7 Great Fashion Share Enquiry Video
7-11 Great Fashion Share Enquiry Video
11-14 Great Fashion Share Enquiry Video
What are our clothes made from & why?
In this enquiry, pupils ask and investigate scientific questions to better understand what fabric their clothes are made from. They use their own clothes and items from around the school, providing a real-world context for investigating, identifying and classifying materials based on their properties. Pupils also learn about sustainability and responsible use of materials.
Working scientifically: identifying, classifying and grouping
How does the way different materials break down affect the environment?
In this enquiry, pupils explore why specific materials are used in their clothing and question how sustainable these choices are. By identifying the main materials found in their uniforms, pupils investigate microfibre shedding.
They draw conclusions, giving reasons using their evidence combined with information gathered from secondary sources. Pupils understand what influences the decisions fashion companies make on which material to use considering the impact on our world.
Engage pupils in the Great Question Ponder linked to this enquiry.
Working scientifically: pattern seeking
How reliable is published information about sustainable fashion?
In this enquiry, there is a strong focus on the transferable skill of evaluating the reliability of information gained from secondary sources. Pupils are challenged to explore a range of sources and make judgements on their reliability, including levels of trustworthiness and accuracy. They are introduced to the concept of greenwashing and the influence this has on people’s buying habits.
Working scientifically: research using secondary sources
Extend: The Fashion Fixers primary and secondary resources further explore the impact of fashion creation and use on our planet.
Energising Futures is a free STEM hub offering high-quality curriculum-linked resources for primary and secondary which are designed to bring real-world science to life by introducing young people to the skills they’ll need to access ‘green’ jobs.
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