Learn to make scientific drawings… with the Great Science Observe and Draw Prompt!


Step-by-step skills building focussing on the scientific enquiry skills pupils need to develop.

TIPS FOR Scientific DrawinG:

  • Pupils get the opportunity to draw in subjects across the curriculum. However, the skills of producing a scientific drawing is very different to an artistic drawing. Pupils will need explicit instruction and will then need the opportunity to practise this skill again and again in different contexts throughout their science learning.

  • Explain to pupils that the skill of producing a scientific drawing is a skill that is used by many scientists, including botanists and entomologists as seen in the Great Observation Share enquiry.

  • The ‘Top Tips’ can be found on the Great Observe and Draw Prompts below, and are differentiated by age (5-7 year olds, 7-14 year olds).