What’s Going On? activities contain short, high-quality videos that spark conversations and allow pupils to apply their scientific knowledge in unfamiliar contexts.
The following resources can be used to encourage pupils to ask their own scientific questions which can lead to an investigation:
Under glass 5-7 year-olds
After watching the What’s Going On? Under glass, pupils might wonder whether plants grow faster in greenhouses. The Plant Germination and Growth activity (on page 21 Bringing Back Glass resource) suggests inverting a glass jar over seedlings to create a mini greenhouse. They could also grow plants in hostile environments or investigate the conditions for plant growth.
Extend your Great Glass Share guided enquiries with the Under glass activity.
Scarf Shooter 5-11 year-olds
Turn on the air fans and explore the forces involved in Explorify’s What’s Going On? Scarf shooter. Pupils can make their own rocket and investigate forces using it.
Disappearing Eggshells 7-9 year-olds
This video shows what happens to eggshell left in water and vinegar. Pupils could carry out their own investigation and observe this over time.
Tabletop hovercraft 7-11 year-olds
Hovercrafts can fly just above the surface of land or water. They work by pushing air beneath them and behind them and use less fuel than many vehicles. Watch Explorify’s What’s Going On? Tabletop hovercraft and use the links in the Take it further section to inspire your class to make their own air powered vehicles.
Tabletop hovercraft and Scarf Shooter are great activities to extend your Great Glider Share guided enquiries.
Read Explorify’s top tips on how to run a What’s Going On activity here.
Explorify is a free digital resource that provides a range of engaging activities covering the whole curriculum. Click here to sign up for your free account.
For help with subject knowledge and support with planning a science topic click here.
Listen, think and share your questions.