When was the last time your pupils asked real scientists questions they were curious about?
Well no sooner will 2024 begin and you can do just that, with the GSSfS and I’m a Scientist Get Me Out of Here partnership.
It’s a simple and purposeful way to inspire your pupils to ask questions and get real-world responses direct through online chats.
How does it work?
Teachers book a Great Science Share themed chat at a convenient date and time.
Scientists taking part have completed profiles so you can explore what they do, their skills, likes and attributes in advance.
Pupils log on to a text-based chat where they can ask the scientists questions about how they use their working scientifically skills and what they are working on.
Pupils can engage individually, in pairs or groups, or as a class – younger children could submit questions via their teacher.
“This is a fantastic way that pupils can challenge scientists during intense, fast-paced, online live chats. Having done it with my own class, I know how inspiring it is for pupils to ask all the questions they are curious about and get real-time responses!”
How can I be confident in this as a teacher?
The process is handled through a secure, moderated platform operated by the ‘I’m A Scientist’ team.
The chats are all safe, secure and moderated. The IAS team keep an eye on questions and responses and teachers can also have control.
How can IAS support your GSSfS?
Enrich your pupils’ experience of the Great Science Share by connecting with scientists who are asking questions, investigating and sharing their results.
A great way to give more depth to working scientifically in the curriculum. Pupils can ask questions to better understand the skills, processes and methods used in real-world science.
Through live chats and follow up questions, pupils can make connections between what they do and the scientists working in different areas including climate and sustainability.
This year, there’s a special Great Science Share for Schools Theme running in 2024 from January to June.
Want to find out more?
Sign up for the Great Science Share for Schools I’m a Scientist webinar on 17th January, 3:45-4:30pm.
“It’s all part of the bigger picture of enabling them to see further study as a viable opportunity. It’s not just done by other people; it can actually be done by people like them.”