Risk Assessing your GSSfS activity, or event, is much easier than you might think
In all the excitement of planning your Great Science Share for Schools activities contemplating assessing the risks, might sound daunting and laborious. However, don’t despair! With CLEAPSS (your health and safety advisor) help, it’s neither.
Taking the right steps towards your safe GSSfS
Don’t let that nagging risk assessment feeling get you down. Take control by using CLEAPSS resources - they’re succinct, manageable and written specifically for primary teachers. You’ll be amazed by how easy and reassuring the process is.
Where to start
Visit the CLEAPSS primary website: https://primary.cleapss.org.uk/ where you’ll find all the resources you need. Make your first priority reading CLEAPSS’ short document How to do a risk assessment: https://primary.cleapss.org.uk/Resource/P137-How-to-do-a-risk-assessment.aspx. It’s worth a read even if you’re a dab hand at this, as it’s always worth a refresh and it’ll remind you just how simple the CLEAPSS risk assessment process is.
“Don’t let that nagging risk assessment feeling get you down. Take control by using CLEAPSS resources, they’re succinct, manageable and written specifically for primary teachers. You’ll be amazed by how easy and reassuring the process is.”
Running different types of Great Science Shares
· If you’re running an activity with your pupils, in your classroom, simply follow CLEAPSS standard advice, as in this circumstance, there’s no difference between risk assessing your GSSfS activity and any other activity you’d undertake at any other time of the year.
· If your school is running an activity or event outside of classrooms, for example a science fair/celebration in the school hall, then you’ll need to read Assessing the risks of a primary science activity outside of a normal lesson: https://primary.cleapss.org.uk/Resource/P091-Assessing-risks-for-science-activities-outside-of-a-normal-lesson.aspx
Being a member of CLEAPSS
Nearly all schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are members of CLEAPSS (in Scotland SSERC is the health and safety advisor). If you’re not sure if your school’s a member, or if you need your school’s password, contact CLEAPSS via their helpline: primary@cleapss.org.uk, 01895 251 496.
Why be a member of CLEAPSS?
Your employer must provide you with appropriate risk assessments for practical activities. Most employers subscribe to CLEAPSS to do this, their resources help ensure you and your children are kept safe and that they don’t break the law.
In the unlikely event that your school is not a member (95% of schools are), talk to your head teacher. As your employer’s representative, it’s their job to provide you with any risk assessments you need for your GSSfS activity or event.
The University of Manchester’s Science & Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of engaging in the Great Science Share for Schools. This campaign is designed to be carried out by pupils working with an adult. The adult is fully responsible for ensuring the activities are carried out safely. You can access the CLEAPSS website or SSERC website for up to date health and safety information when planning practical activities for pupils.