The Great Ocean Share inspires pupils to work scientifically to investigate scientific questions linked to the United Nation’s Decade of Ocean Science. Since 2021, the Ocean Decade campaign has been inspiring global communities to consider how they can raise awareness about the variety of ways our ocean is used and can be protected.
Pupils use practical investigations - making models to investigate the effect of variables, and to explore how scientific models are used to develop knowledge and understanding about what happens in nature. Links are made to pupils’ understanding about dissolving and solutions. The enquiry resources were developed in partnership with Ocean Generation.
Age: 5-7, 7-11, 11-14 years
Curriculum topics: working scientifically, materials and dissolving to form a solution.
How does the sail affect how far the boat travels?
ask simple questions and recognise they can be answered in different ways
perform simple tests
use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
gather and record data to help in answering questions.
Pupils work scientifically making and testing simple boats to explore the effects of different types of sails.
How can we demonstrate the effect of climate change on coral in the ocean?
ask relevant questions and using a scientific enquiry skills to answer them
make systematic and careful observations and, taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment, including thermometers
record data and results using scientific tables
use scientific evidence to support their findings
report and present findings, including conclusions, causal relationships and explanations.
Pupils develop and consider how ‘models’ are used to help people visualise and communicate understanding of scientific concepts. In this enquiry they focus on models showing how the coral in the ocean is being impacted by climate change. They apply their knowledge of dissolving to investigate scientific questions.
What are the causes and effects of ocean acidification?
use appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during laboratory work, paying attention to health and safety
make and record observations
present observations and data using appropriate methods, including tables and graphs
present information and evidence in creative ways.
Pupils work scientifically by using asking scientific questions and using pH tests to explore how chemical reactions take place. They use simple demonstrations and research using secondary sources to model and explore the causes and effects of ocean acidification on marine life.
These resources enable teachers to provide additional activities to explore the ocean, its wildlife and how we can look after the ocean better.
Declared in 2017, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development was launched. Known as ‘The Ocean Decade’ it seeks to stimulate ocean science and knowledge generation to reverse the decline in damage to the ocean system. Find out more at
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