The Great Observation Share inspires pupils to explore biodiversity and life on land by developing the scientific skill of close observational drawing. Using scientific equipment including hand lenses, magnifiers and microscopes, pupils explore the fascinating features of plants, insects and leaf structures.
Two beautiful videos are produced by a botanist and entomologist who explain the importance of close observation and scientific drawings in their disciplines.
Each age phase has bespoke teachers’ notes, videos, Careers Chats and links to GSSfS’ partner resources - all ideal to inspire question asking, investigating and sharing scientific thinking.
Age: 5-7, 7-11, 11-14 years
Curriculum topics: working scientifically, disciplinary knowledge - observational drawing
Are all flowers the same?
observe closely, using simple equipment
record and communicate their findings in a range of ways
begin to use simple scientific language.
Pupils explore biodiversity and life on land by developing the skill of close observational drawing, a scientific skill that has underpinned the work of scientists including Maria Merian, Margaret Lowman, Agnes Arber and Charles Darwin.
Using a range of flowers from the local area, pupils use hand magnifiers to identify and draw their structure. They work scientifically by noticing common and different parts of the flower and their features. Pupils evaluate their scientific drawings and draw conclusions about the big question, ‘Are all flowers the same?’
Are all insects the same?
make systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate, taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment
record data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels.
Pupils explore biodiversity and life on land by developing the skill of close observational drawing, a scientific skill that has underpinned the work of scientists including Maria Merian, Mary Berenbaum, Charles Darwin and Dr Margaret Collins.
How does the structure of a leaf affect plant growth?
make systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate, taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of equipment.
pay attention to objectivity and concern for accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibility
use appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during fieldwork and laboratory work, paying attention to health and safety
make and record observations.
Pupils set up a terrarium to investigate plant growth and use microscopes to examine plant cell structures, specialised cells, and learn about photosynthesis. By developing their observational skills, pupils create detailed scientific sketches of microscope images, emphasising accuracy, labelling, and scaling.
This image is from John Ellis’ notebooks. He was a naturalist in the 1700’s who wrote letters to Linnaeus about his discoveries in the America’s most notably his discovery and drawings of the Venus Fly Trap. He also promoted and engineered the Aquatic Microscope.
We have several of his notebooks which contain drawings of the animals he studied under a microscope these are predominately microscopic aquatic animals.
He also promoted and engineered the Aquatic Microscope. We have several of his notebooks which contain drawings of the animals he studied under a microscope these are predominately microscopic aquatic animals.
Manchester Museum is at the heart of its community. In February 2023, the Museum completed a major, values-led redevelopment that created new gallery spaces and visitor facilities. Wander through our beautiful 130-year-old building or connect with us through our collaboration in developing the Great Observation Share.
The Royal Microscopical Society is an inclusive Society dedicated to furthering science and supporting all microscopy communities. The Society are the only truly international microscopical society, drawing distinguished members from all over the world.
They serve the needs of all the major manufacturers and suppliers of microscopes, equipment and services. The RMS undertakes many outreach activities for schools, one in particular, the Schools Microscope Fund.
If you are a primary school in the UK, take a look at The RMS Schools Microscope Fund for funding to purchase microscopes. Schools and educators across the world can access the RMS Microscope Activity Kit Resource Library to find a range of activities to be done with microscopes.
This Great Guided Enquiry was funded by the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers.
People from many backgrounds are members including those working with glass in some format or people who have an interest in collecting glass.
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