This talking task engages pupils of all ages in sharing ideas and opinions when pondering questions related to the Great Guided Enquiries and where possible, linking to sustainability and global issues.

Designed using Huthwaite International’s verbal behaviour strategies and linking with Thinking, Doing, Talking Science (TDTScience), the Great Question Ponder poses questions and statements for group discussion as part of Great Science Share for Schools.

Age: 5-7, 7-11, 11-14 years

In remembrance…

We mark the loss of our dear friend, Dr Helen Wilson, a key developer and researcher of the Thinking, Doing, Talking Science approach. Helen was a Principal Lecturer in Science Education at Oxford Brookes University. She was particularly interested in the potential of science for the development of higher order thinking skills and is the co-author of the book ‘Challenges in Primary Science: Meeting the Needs of Able Young Scientists at Key Stage 2’. As the developer of the 'Bright Ideas Time' her work will have impact beyond her years.

TDTScience is an inclusive approach to teaching primary science which has been shown to significantly improve pupils’ attainment and attitudes.

The approach develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding through higher-order thinking skills.

Created in partnership with Huthwaite International based on their Verbal Behaviour Analysis research.

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