Extend your science learning by asking, investigating and sharing more questions in this enrichment club activity.
What impact does ocean acidification have on living things?
This school or community club activity inspires us all to discuss how we can protect our planet by using things in a responsible way everyday. Invite families and pupils of different ages to get involved with this activity, supported by My Science Club.
Age: 7-11
Curriculum topics: working scientifically, materials
This enrichment activity engages pupils to ask, investigate and share their learning from exploring the scientific question ‘What impact does ocean acidification have on living things?’ Designed with My Science Club, this is a school or community club activity that inspires discussion about ocean acidification and the affect it has on life in the ocean. It is ideal to be undertaken with families and in Science Clubs between pupils of different ages.
My Science Club helps educators to inspire children to develop curiosity which underpins a lifelong love of learning. The club was created to help and support busy educators to run inspiring, innovative and curiosity inducing science clubs with high quality digital themed packs that inspire the next generation of scientists. Packs are accessible, easy to follow, flexible and beautifully presented, freeing up the educator to have as much fun as the children!
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